Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!

Well today is my birthday. At the begining of this journey I thought that we would have one of our children home by now and working on bringing home the second. But I guess that just wasn't meant to be. It was my intention to have them both home by the time I was 45 so I wouldn't be so old. I really don't feel that old which is a good thing. As it is I will be in my 60's when the kids graduate High School. Wow now I do feel old!! Every day that goes by is another day that we are missing with them. I know that we are on the downhill slide with Levi and can't wait until they put that little wiggly toddler in my arms and tell me that I am his mommy and he is my son. I just have to be patient and wait my turn which I will do but I don't like it one bit.

I did get some cool gifts though. My wonderful husband got me a really beautiful watch, my MIL got me this great antique platter and vase. They actually match a set of glasses that were my grandmothers which is so cool. And a really neat western wooden scrapbook. I think I will use it for the kids pictures. It was a great birthday and I did just exactly as I pleased. I even got to sleep in until 9 am to the smell of bacon.... Yummy my hubby made me breakfast. It was great!!!!


Heather said...

Happy Birthday!

Lesa said...

Sandi, Happy Birthday!! I'm sorry it is late... I just saw it. My MIL's is on your birthday. Mine is on the 24th! How cool is that?

Hope your day was good. Mine was.