Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Levi gets his foot

Good news, Levi gets his prosthetic foot on Friday!! We have waited 3 months since his surgery for this day to come. And now it's here....WOO HOO!!! We are so excited for our little man to finally be able to do all the things he wants so desperately to do. Now if we can just get him potty trained before we bring his sissy home. He just seems so uniterested in it. You can talk to him until you are blue in the face and 5 minutes later he pees his pants. He just doesn't tell us he has to go until after the fact. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I haven't had to do this in such a long time, I can't remember how I handled it before. I am hoping that once he can walk he will learn to use the potty better.