Monday, June 22, 2009

What's wrong with employers today???

I am not sure what is going on with my job. This is the story...sorry it is so long.

When we adopted Levi we knew that I would have to use all my vacation and personal time for this year when Levi had his surgery and for his physical therapy and my employer was on board with that up until I gave my notice last month. Since finding out that Jerry would be deployed in Oct. and that he would need to go to 2 3 week trainings and a 2 week class starting July 6th, I have had to ask my employer to reduce my hours to part time so that I would be able to take Levi to daycare each morning since my hours ( 5am-1pm )do not permit me to do so. Well needless to say that they would not do that, so I had to give notice. Everything was fine until last week when HR informed me that I would be forced to pay back half of my vacation because I was quitting mid-year. That made me so mad. Under the circumstances my supervisor asked via e-mail that an exception be made due to why I had to take the vacation and Jerry being deployed, but I again got a big NO!! So I just casually suggested that I might have to go to the Dept of Labor because of that and another issue of being the only person on site not paid as punched. Well all of a sudden I am deemed a disgruntled employee and told they might have to let me go because I handle large sums of money at work. So now I am just waiting for the axe to fall and get fired. After 13 years at this job I will be getting FIRED!! Can you believe that? I have done everything asked of me by my supervisor, worked all kinds of crazy shifts, and even done the bosses job to cover his butt, and this is how I am treated. It justs makes me so angry!!! I guess my employer (a fortune 500 company) is not very patriotic after all.


Lesa said...

Take it HIGHER UP!!!! That is so totally ridiculous. Was this conversation via email by some chance? Send it to who ever is above him.

I'm so sorry this is happening to you.