Saturday, February 28, 2009

2 days to go and counting

Time is getting short, surgery is 2 days away. We still don't know when he will go in, they will tell us when we check in Monday exactly when they will operate. The surgery will take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours and I know I will be a total wreck until we can see him afterwards. We are trying to keep busy this weekend doing projects around the house because we do not want to take him out anywhere for fear of him getting sick. That would be awful. We already have reservations at a hotel and I have already had my vacation cancelled once, not sure they would be too happy to cancel it a second time. And we have a temp worker all set to work for me for the 2 weeks that I am off. So I am hoping and praying that everything goes as planned and we get the best possible outcome. I will try to post while we are at the hospital so that everyone knows how things went.
Please pray for our son.


Kathy said...

We will be praying everything goes great!! Can't wait to see him run and play!!!! Please keep us informed. We will be praying for all of you!!

Lesa said...

Prayers are sent you way from us.