Monday, March 2, 2009

The surgery is scheduled for 9:30am

Well here we are in Dallas, the appointments today really wore us out. We had to go from place to place meeting everyone invilved in Levi's surgery. We found out that Levi will be put to sleep even before they put in his IV or epidural for pain, which makes me feel so much better. I was worried that they would put the IV in before. Everyone here at the hospital is so wonderful and very considerate of Levi's and our feelings. They answered all our questions as though they hadn't been asked it a thousand times before. I couldn't ask for a better place or people to take care of our son, I have all the confidence in thier ability to enable him to walk.
They let us choose to stay the night tonight or come in the morning at am. So here we are at the hotel.
I probably won't be able to sleep again tonight much, I am just so nervous. This is only the second surgery we have had to go through with one of the kids,and the last was just a tonsilectomy, nothing near this. Jerry told me I am not allowed to cry in front of Levi tomorrow, but I am not sure I can do that. I will try though because I don't want to scare him. The older ones are supposed to come out tomorrow evening to see thier little brother.
I will try to post more tomorrow after the surgery.


Kathy said...

We are praying for all of you!!! I have never gone through anything like this, so I can't imagine what you are going through. But I will be praying for this to go as smooth and as painless as possible. Can't wait to hear he is OK!!

Lesa said...

I know this must be so very hard for you. I will be praying things will go well and that he will not have a lot of pain.

Nanci, Mike, Zoe and Elijah said...

We will also be praying for you. The next couple of days will be the toughest, then it will get better. Keep your focus on when Levi gets his walking leg - what a wonderful day that will be!