Sunday, October 12, 2008

We are here

We are here
We got here on Friday at around 3pm. We met our guide and then went to the hotel. Our panda phone was not waiting for us at the hotel so we could not call anyone to let them know we arrived safely. We got the phone yesterday but it does not work for some reason. It tells us to check the network. It is 2:15am, and I cannot sleep. We leave for the airport to fly to Zhengzhou at 5:30am. We fly out at 7:20 am and arrive at 8:40am. We met some other nice families here in Beijing that did the tour with us yesterday. The Great Wall was such an awesome thing to see. I will post pictures when I can. Tomorrow we will meet our son for the first time and we just couldn't be any happier. Our whole group are adopting older SN children, and each and every one of the families are very excited and can't wait to get back to Guangzhou to see all the children together. We are very blessed to have met such nice people here. Our guide Grace is great, she is very sweet. I guess that is all for now, I need to try to sleep for at least another hour or so. Wish us luck!!!

Sandi& Jerry