Monday, January 26, 2009

Bad news---Maybe

The hospital may postpone Levi's surgery. He had what we thought was just a slight cold. He only ran a fever for one day and has had this cough for a few days. He otherwise feels good, running around playing and such. But since surgery is only 2 weeks away we decided to take him to the doctor. She thought his chest had a little rattle in it so they sent him for an x-ray. Well it turns out that he has a touch of pneumonia, can you believe that!!! So I had to call the hospital right away to let them know and the nurse said that they would probably postpone his surgery for 4 to 6 weeks. He is on antibiotics now and he was already sounding better before we took him tot he doctor. So now I am waiting for a call back from the nurse after she talks to the anesthesiologist. The doctor seems to think that he will be much better by Wednesday so I am not sure why they can't proceed with the surgery. All we can do is wait and hope that if he is better by the 10th, they will go ahead as scheduled. I understand the reason for waiting, but I can't help but be upset because he will have to wait that much longer to have the ability to walk. And how are we going to keep him healthy enough until surgery while he is in daycare, that's almost impossible these days. I hope that everyone keeps Levi in thier thoughts and prayers that everything goes ok and he gets to keep his surgery date.