Saturday, January 17, 2009

More great news!!!!

We past few weeks I have been researching agencies to start our second adoption for our daughter. We are NOT going back to China as we originally planned. We are going to bring her home from Ethiopia if everything goes well. We are starting to get all of our paperwork together and have our first homestudy visit on Monday. It was cancelled from a couple weeks ago. We are very excited and please to have found an agency that is willing to work with us so soon after bringing home Levi. We plan to have all the paperwork done and in Ethiopia by at least April if we receive our USCIS approval in a timely manner. After the paperwork is in country we will probably have a little bit of a wait, but maybe God willing we will have her home by early next year. Another bit of news is that she might possibly be under 1 yr old, which is great for us. I will probably have to travel without Jerry since he will be in Iraq at that time and not sure he will be allowed to leave. So I will be taking one of my older children with me. Probably Charla because Marcus will be in school. But if Marcus wants to go then we will try to work that out too. What an experience to tell your friends!!! And we may be changing her name too, we originally picked out Mylie Jaide, but that was for our Chinese daughter. But I think maybe she needs a different one picked out just for her. Well I better get my day going.

PS. I have started a new blog just for her adoption, the address is


Lesa said...

How awesome!! Our daughter would love to adopt from there one day. She really wants us to after we get our Mylie. I think this will be it for us due to our age.... After this long wait!

Congrats, and I will have to go to your other blog.